Quaker Meeting House

Thornhill Street, WF1 1NQ

This popular venue has a long history of welcoming people to Wakefield.

5pm to 7pm Thursdays – Welcome Café.
10am Fridays – One Ummah Community welcome women and children.

Thursday Social

The Thursday Social is at the Quaker Meeting House, Thornhill Street, WF1 1NQ.

Every Thursday from 5pm to 7pm Wakefield Quakers hold a Welcome Café, with Children’s Crafts and Games, English Conversation.

Wakefield Quakers offer a welcome to all local people. For further information please contact Linda.fielding@blueyonder.co.uk or phone 07311 283964.

Friday Meeting

The One Ummah Community welcome women and children to the Quaker Meeting House, Thornhill Street, WF1 1NQ

Friday each week at 10.00am.

We meet every Friday for some English speaking and listening, some Zumba with Paula, and arts & crafts with embroidery.

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