Internet connections for online English classes.
To access free internet connection and sign up you should visit your nearest Wakefield Library, and take your “Welcome to Wakefield card with you.
The people at the desk will help you become a member of the library. You will then get:
A library card which will have your user number on it.
A user PIN number (like a password)
Using the User Number and PIN you can connect to the free wifi.
Learn English Online
Wakefield Libraries offer free access to this service
Transparent Language Online
” Radically better language learning, in one complete experience.”
You can learn English online today using this “Transparent English” service from Wakefield Libraries!
Sign up for Transparent English here
Once you have a card and membership number you can go online and “Sign Up”. (click the button here)
WEA Free Online courses
WEA often offers ESOL courses online: